Derm-Biome Pharmaceuticals Inc. announces an exciting collaboration with Harvard Medical School

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February 22, 2019

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Derm-Biome Pharmaceuticals Inc, a Vancouver based start-up biopharmaceutical company, is excited to announce that it will be collaborating with Dr. Anna Mandinova and the Department of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School. “I reached out to Poul (Dr. Sorensen) when I learned about his new endeavor. Breakthroughs in clinical dermatology are quite rare in comparison to other medical fields, so Derm-Biome’s lead compound sounds very intriguing. I really look forward to testing it on our patient-derived skin models recapitulating precisely the biology of benign and malignant epidermal tumors as well as homeostatic epidermal regeneration and skin stem cell function.” Dr. Mandinova said.

For collaboration and Investor Inquiries: geberwein(at)

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