Over 25 years of business development, sales, and operations experience
Involved with the investment community and public markets
Strong marketing management background
Has invested extensively in early-stage tech companies
Internationally renowned physician-scientist and molecular pathologist specializing in cancer genetics and biology.
Dr. Sorensen’s lab made an early-stage discovery that led to the development of Bayer’s FDA-approved cancer drug Vitrakvi ®.
Johal Endowed Chair in Childhood Cancer Research Professor of Pathology at the University of British Columbia (UBC)
Bloom Burton Award winner, 2019
AACR Team Science Award, 2021
Order of British Columbia, 2021
Professor and the Research Director in the Department of Dermatology and Skin Science, University of British Columbia.
Expert in developing and evaluating novel skin therapeutics in animal models and clinical trials.
Was the Chief Medical Officer at Welichem Biotech (original developer of FDA-approved skin disease drug Vtama®).
PhD scientist in Dr. Poul Sorensen’s research laboratory at the BC Cancer Research Centre
Strong background in molecular therapeutics
Preclinical development
AACRTeamScienceAward, 2021
Project manager for the Gut4Health Microbiome Core at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute and a board member for the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research (CSIR).
Expert in mucosal immunology, especially on the interplay between the bacteria and host and the impact of microbiome in driving human diseases.
Strong background in pharmaceutical science and organic and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Many years of research experience in industry and academia.
In the News
Who we’re working with
Atopic Dermatitis
Pre-Cancer / Skin Cancer
Anti-Aging / Skin Aging
About Us
Our Purpose
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Investor Inquiries:
Gordon Eberwein